Docker Executor

This guide is written for developers who would use screwdriver-cd-executor-docker in Continuous Delivery. If you are interested in contributing to screwdriver-cd-executor-docker, please read our internal documentations to get familiarized with relevant technologies.

screwdriver-cd-executor-docker is an executor for Screwdriver CD that interacts with Docker (local and remote). All of our screwdriver steps are executed by it in a Docker container. The executor controls Docker Engine via dockerode. dockerode is a node.js way of interacting with Docker Engine API.

Use Docker Executor

To enable Docker executor, the Screwdriver config file should have the follwoing minimum configuration:

  plugin: docker
    enabled: true
      docker: {}
      launchVersion: stable

If Screwdriver config file is beyond control, one can also set the following environment variables to turn on Docker executor:

export EXECUTOR_PLUGIN=docker


File Sharing

Error response from daemon: Mounts denied:
The path /sd/workspace/src/ is not shared from the host and is not known 
to Docker.
You can configure shared paths from Docker -> Preferences... -> Resources -> File Sharing.

The datafile.txt is using a “bind mount”. This means the /sd/workspace/… must be an existing and shared directory on the host machine

If the host machine runs Docker Desktop, simply add /sd to the file sharing config in Docker Desktop:

Configuring File Sharing on Docker Desktop

ERROR: Can’t initialize batch_readline - may be the input source is a directory or a block device.

This usually happens when we are running MySQL Docker or Docker Compose containing MySQL service inside Docker executor. For example:

version: "3.9"
    image: "mysql:5.7.43"
      - "3306:3306"
      - ./mysql-init.sql:/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/mysql-init.sql

We are sure mysql-init.sql is a file, but when we are executing it in MySQL docker generates the error above. The underlying reason causing the file being shared with -v to appear as a directory instead of a file is that Docker could not find the file on the host because it is running Docker-in-Docker. Being a Docker container path, . /mysql-init.sql should be changed to the path on the host machine.